Gustavo Guallar Electronic Guard Tour Systems

Security Check Point

Security Check Point

Electronic Guard Tour Systems are a very effective security supervision tool.  Unfortunately in many cases security providers use it very effectively as a sales tool, and in practice they forget the true purpose of this tool.

On the other hand, clients not truly understanding this tool’s technology and practicality, fall pray of a false sense of service quality.  Even more alarming, they fall pray of a false sense of security.

The use of an Electronic Guard Tour System by a security service provider doesn’t mean in any way that their quality of service is infallible, but if used appropriately, the service provider can greatly improved their service quality and consequently greatly improving client’s security.

Guard Tour System requires security officers to electronically document the exact date, time and location within a property, in addition, each patrol, patrol order and frequency is recorded.  The system allows supervisors and managers to verify that patrols are been conducted within the required frequency, order of patrols is as instructed and all areas of the property are patrolled as required.

Electronic Guard Tour System.
By: Gustavo Guallar
January, 2001

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Gustavo Guallar Security Patrol

During my years of experience, I have seen a number of clients requesting specific security services that partially, or completely ignored security patrols. In a good number of cases the client’s property would have achieved a higher security protection from a security patrol service.

Security patrols are a very important layer of protection in any security operation, and security professionals ought to make sure their clients and their officers, understand the importance of security patrols.

Security patrols are the center of all security operations.  Most security professional recognize the fact, that security patrols are the heart of any security operation.  Only by executing thorough security patrols can the highest level of protection be achieved.

In addition, security professionals must be diligent in conducting a meticulous investigation of all the existing security risks within the property, and determine the risk level for each of them before providing security patrol services to their clients.  Only then an effective security patrol that appropriately address the property’s security risks can be designed, and the location of security check points be determine.

It must be clearly understood, that patrolling a property is the act of moving within a property, alert, carefully, and inquisitive with the intention of detecting and preventing any security breach, and ensure maximum security and safety. This means that to achieve the desired result from security patrolling, all areas of the property must be carefully inspected during each patrols, as if it was the first patrol.

Security Patrols.
By: Gustavo Guallar
March, 1997

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Gustavo Guallar Introduction To Security

Security encompass multiple layers of protection, the more layer included, the better the achieved protection.  To reach a strong protection, you must analyze your security risks and decide which levels of protection needs to be integrated, and in which order.  To make these critical decisions, you must possess fundamental knowledge of security techniques and security technology integration.

With the creation of this website, is my intention to provide a comprehensive source for information on the different layers of security, security techniques and security technology, to provide you access to the knowledge required to achieve strong protection of your home, family or business.

You will find information on the following topics:

Security Risk Assessment.
Uniformed Security Guard Service.
Undercover Security Service.
Men and Dog Security Teams.
Guard Dogs Protection.
Special Security Patrol Vehicles.
Nightclub and Bars Security Teams.
Access Control Equipment Selection, and Installation.
CCTV Equipment Selection, and Installation.
Alarm Equipment Selection, and Installation.
Perimeter Security Protection.
Security Systems Monitoring.

The information presented here, is the collaboration of a group of security professional, bringing you the knowledge and expertise of many years of experience.  It is my sincere hope that this website provides you with the necessary knowledge to secure your daily environment.

If you have a security problem. If your security provider can’t or wont help you, and you need help, please feel free to contact me.  If you fill out the form in the Contact Us page,  I will provide you with free and independent advised on available solutions.

Gustavo Guallar

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